Нашествие 3

Purchase armies by clicking on their names. If you think you're ready, start the game. Click on the names of the units on the deployment bar at the bottom of the screen to send out one of them to confront the enemy castle. You win a level by reducing the castle to a flaming pile of rubble.
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<iframe width="720" height="540" src="/static/dc/Ct1vZiwbgLpuRJHnqfUpn8LkarbGQk4id0FIkK933pKYOeRknkXxa27RQL51YcQn" title="Флеш игра Нашествие 3"></iframe><br><a href="//flashdrom.d1/games/invasion-3-6953139" target="_blank"><img alt="Флеш игра Нашествие 3" class="playable" src="//cdn.flashdrom.d1/uc/vh/M0/1V_Vt/3qc_Tfr/f3WXtu_a1rwQL_350x265.jpg" /><br>Флеш игра "Нашествие 3" на flashdrom.ru</a>

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