Виселица 3

Gibbets is back! Load up your trusty bow and shoot some rope to save people from being hanged! Now includes a custom level editor.Click and hold the bow, pull back, then release to fire an arrow. Aim for the rope above people's heads to cut them loose!
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<iframe width="720" height="540" src="/static/dc/2JFSPw2mZCeEjf3gtIZXejCX0PZ4ZTDCmT08RSlCm9gsPTWnf8UOPSzAROucUHGL" title="Флеш игра Виселица 3"></iframe><br><a href="//flashdrom.d1/games/gibbets-3-7775554" target="_blank"><img alt="Флеш игра Виселица 3" class="playable" src="//cdn.flashdrom.d1/uc/jM/cO/DJ_RS/Ucq_iFo/SFa9T2_b9LBmp_350x265.jpg" /><br>Флеш игра "Виселица 3" на flashdrom.ru</a>

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