Коровы Фрики

Position the cows on the floating objects. Help them escape the slaughterhouse making it safely to the mainland. The game features lots of cows, heavy bulls and tons of wood, have fun!
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<iframe width="720" height="540" src="/static/dc/rGKptfljzrmUK5elo0XCKXF5DJ6CuMHhPj1ReCzfimzdDQDb8LwHPnQnjCreVfZ5" title="Флеш игра Коровы Фрики"></iframe><br><a href="//flashdrom.d1/games/freaky-cows-2814209" target="_blank"><img alt="Флеш игра Коровы Фрики" class="playable" src="//cdn.flashdrom.d1/uc/2b/7m/MQ_nd/t8P_GbP/MgZhZY_t79Jp8_350x265.jpg" /><br>Флеш игра "Коровы Фрики" на flashdrom.ru</a>

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