Поиск феи

The Fairy will grant you 3 wishes if you'll be able to play this cool game! You have to find all the little fairies in the magic mirror for that. It is not going to be an easy adventure but it is going to be fun and full of magic! You have to create fairies exactly like the ones in the mirror and get them dressed identically to gain points. At the end, the fairy will grant your wishes.
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<iframe width="720" height="540" src="/static/dc/Cs3zfPD28VvcPveBL13Huqc79N8DbiYWdaTDeTz2Z88KaR3ZfYygCmCmvd0hoAUr" title="Флеш игра Поиск феи"></iframe><br><a href="//flashdrom.d1/games/fairy-finder-2269823" target="_blank"><img alt="Флеш игра Поиск феи" class="playable" src="//cdn.flashdrom.d1/uc/Pt/lN/fZ_yw/aea_irM/Faah8D_EOyK8c_350x265.jpg" /><br>Флеш игра "Поиск феи" на flashdrom.ru</a>

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